Extending a Helping Hand

Readiness Program Prepares
Refugee Children for the Big K

ClaireHerzog, Butler-Gast Ready in 5 Program DirectorIn collaboration with the United Way and Heartland Family Services, the Ready in 5 program here at Butler-Gast helps Burmese refugees and other displaced nationalities get their preschoolers ready for Kindergarten.

Burma (also known as Myanmar), an Asian country surrounded by India, China, Thailand, Laos and Bangladesh and the Bay of Benegal, has been in political and ethnic turmoil for decades. The situation in that country has forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee their native country only to spend an average of 16 years in Thailand refugee camps.

From there, many have been taken in by countries all over the world, with the U.S. leading the way. In recent years, a small fraction have been resettled in Omaha and surrounding communities, while some Burmese have migrated here after settling in other states to be near family, better resources and more attractive economic opportunities. Approximately 5,000 refugees from Burma now reside in Omaha.

Despite the draw of a better life, the refugees, many of whom have been here less than five years, face daunting obstacles that include lack of education, language and cultural barriers that can hinder their success. Nevertheless, they’re very eager to make it here and help their children take advantage of opportunities denied to them in their native country.

That’s where Ready in 5 comes into the picture. It’s designed to help the families overcome the stumbling blocks that may prevent their children from succeeding in Kindergarten. In cooperation with Heartland Family Services, we make weekly visits to a home where parents and preschoolers gather in groups of three to 10 for educational lessons focusing on English language capabilities, introduction to culture and classroom, and needed skill developments.  We also provide instruction to preschoolers while their parents attend English classes four mornings per week.  Quarterly field trips to places like the fire station, zoo, Children’s Museum and pumpkin patch help the families become engaged in their community and learn more about the city and culture.

Ready in 5 staff also serve as liaisons for the families’ various needs. This spring, we have arranged for about 20 children and their parents to visit Kindergarten classrooms, lunch and recess to ease the transition in the fall. Many of the families will also be attending Healthy Kids Day as a program field trip to learn more about the YMCA and keeping kids healthy.

If you have questions about Ready in 5, contact the Program Director, Claire Herzog, at (402) 453-8903 or cherzog@metroymca.org.

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